Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26, A Spinster's Tale

Discussion Questions for "A Spinster's Tale"
  • The story is a flashback to the past for the narrator. Explain why the author may have chosen to present the story in this manner. What is the significance of the title? It shows the psycho-social foundations of what the narrator has become.
  • What conflicts appear in the story? Which conflict do you think drives the story? What other conflicts do you see? Man v. self drives the story. The little girl is at conflict with herself, as she matures in the absence of a mother., Man v. man in the her conflict with the men in the story. man v. society in her conflict with the acceptance of what she deems to be inappropriate behavior.
  • What impact do you think this setting has on the plot of the story? It is set in the south in the early 1900s. Considering the time period, what themes emerge from the story? Would the story be different if it was in a different setting? It would e very different. she woldn't have all of the servants she has if the story was in the future. The Mother may have been able to receive medical care. The father may have even re-married. It's definitely a period piece.
  • Which character is most sympathetic to you? Explain why. Elizabeth.. It shows that her thinking is based in a deep wounding
  • Do you think Elizabeth has changed from the beginning to the end? If so, what causes her to develop and mature? She grew older and took more responsibility for her home. She changed, but not as much as you would like to think.
  • How do you think her mother's death affect Elizabeth? What else does Elizabeth suffer from and how does it affect her youth and even her future adult life? It leaves her with no role model. Nothing to guide and even distract her thoughts from her day-dreaming.
  • There is a sense that sexual abuse may be to blame for Elizabeth’s slow upbringing. Did you sense this? Could it be true? I didn't get this at all. I thought that that was where the story was going, but I never saw any justification for it in the story.
  • Considering the character development of Elizabeth, do you think there is any significance to the existence of Mr. Speed’s character? What do you notice about his characteristics? What do you think if at all, was Taylor’s purpose in naming his character Mr. Speed? What overall role does he play in the story? He's a scapegoat for all of her mixed up emotions. He shows the state of mind of all of the character in how they all relate to him, how sympathetic they are or are not to him.
  • Do you see a connection between the weather and Mr. Speed in the story? What other symbolism do you see in the story? No, accept that he's out in it.
  • Towards the end of the story, Elizabeth’s fear of Mr. Speed coming to her house becomes a reality. Thinking back in the story, does Taylor use any foreshadowing regarding Mr. Speed’s arrival? Yes.. The whole story foreshadows his arrival in the home.
  • What do you think is the main theme of this story? This is how a young girl becomes an old spinster.

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